First day of school...
We woke early - 6am - and I dressed them in matching shirts. Their dad made breakfast of grits and eggs with juice and then we headed out to first drop dad off at work then head to the school. I packed Grayson an apple to take to his teacher and Nicholas two apples to take to his two teachers. Nicholas was jumping with excitement. He's never even (other than a handfull of months when he was barely 1 year old) attended daycare or preschool - what an adventure this would be.
We dropped their dad off then got to the school around 7:40 am. I had Nicholas's snack - they have one day or so per month when they bring snack for the whole class. With our last name, Nicholas's day comes early. With the uncertainty about the baby's arrival, I brought it in today. It will keep till Thursday (chocolate little debbie cakes and hi-c juice). Nicholas also had in his brand new Spiderman backpack a change of clothes in a zip-loc bag - in case of spilled milk or other accidents - his two apples, school supplies carefully labelled in Sharpie with his name, and a note explaining that today he would be a car rider. He'll be a bus rider every other day. We all walked (well, I waddled) to his classroom first - where Grayson immediately began asking to be allowed to go on to his class alone. I told him to go on, but would be there shortly since I had not attended Welcome Back night and knew there would be forms to complete and some things to speak to his teacher about. Mrs Keith, Nicholas' assistant teacher, met us at the door to empty Nicholas' backpack and show him to his cubby where he'd store his things during the day. After that I showed him to his desk where he carefully put his school supplies in a labelled glad-loc plastic box with his name on top, then immediately took out his crayons and began to color the large bumble bee in front of him a lovely shade of green.
I took a couple of photos - 2 to be exact, all that he'd allow - of him, then hugged and kissed him goodbye. He didn't even watch me walk out the door. I was *crushed* I have to tell you and almost started bawling right then.
I then waddled along the seemingly 2 miles to Grayson's 4th grade classroom. When I entered I looked around the classroom and blinked. I *had* to be in the wrong classroom - these children were so BIG!! I didn't spot Grayson at first - he was seated facing away from me. I smiled and shook hands with Mrs. Keith (yes, teachers of the same name) and apologized for having missed Welcome Back night. I explained the things that needed to be explained - Grayson needs to be in the front of the room because of his vision and ADD issues, that she'd be given a form to observe him on the ADD issues next week, that he was not being medicated at the moment because we had taken him off the Adderall and her form would help with his medication choice next (Strattera I believe). I explained that I was expecting at any time (she could tell I'm sure) and she gave me some forms to fill out with emergency contact info etc. I sat down at a table and filled those out - that's about when Grayson finally noticed I was there :)
I discovered that his box (I prepaid at registration) of school supplies was there and waiting for him but not yet labelled - the teacher promised she would see to that for me. She really is a sweet seeming woman. I took a photo of Grayson standing with her before taking my leave of them.
I went to the library where the PTO was having a breakfast - my body was about to give out from lack of food as well as emotional and physical stress. I *still* couldn't get over Nicholas ignoring my exit. I watched the early morning principal announcements on their internal cable tv and laughed at how badly the camera person was paying attention to cues to zoom in on forms etc that the principal was trying to explain and then got a small plate of bannana nut bread and chocolate chip muffin. I spoke to someone and volunteered for the PTO (since I'm at home now) and then waddled my way to the lunch room to fill out lunch forms for the boys.
The lunch lady - Mrs. Watkins I believe - recognized me (the waddle I'm sure) immediately and asked how Nicholas had done this morning. Even with my plate of sweets I was ready to cry again and just said "Far better than I did." She laughed and gave me the forms to fill out. She knows Nicholas so well and he's only starting school TODAY - but it's through Grayson who is her 'honey bear' and told her about me, Nicholas, and Raiden a lot over his tenure there. She says Nicholas and Grayson look so much alike :) They do! After filling out the forms I was about to choke on the dry bread and muffins. The PTO only had orange juice, to which I'm allergic, so I bought a carton of milk and waddled painfully out to my truck. By now my pelvic area was on fire from the walking and standing with the misalignment.
I headed on home where I promptly cried myself to sleep.
I woke up just at 11. I had a doctor's appt at 11:15 so I painfully rolled my huge self out of bed, put on my shoes (ya know how hard that is when you can't bend over?) and waddled out to the truck. I'm driving Don's truck because my small red car borrowed from Mom won't crank. Joy. The truck is higher and more difficult for me to get into with the pelvic problems, a stick shift - which normally I love but is hard to drive with the clutch manipulation when your belly is this big and your pelvis burns like crazy when your legs are anything but totally parallel. Also, even with the seat all the way back, the steering wheel digs into my belly - making turns a nightmare.
I got to the doctor's office at 11:30 but they didn't say anything. I immediately had to go do their little urine sample then got ushered into a room where I had to remove my pants and undies (may I again say how darned impossible this is?) and got up on the table and covered my lower half with a sheet. Why they make you do that when they're going to see all the important stuff I'll never understand. It's a waste of a sheet. What am I covering modestly? My belly button? You can no longer see it anyway since it's stretched flat.
She listened to the baby's heart rate - 140's - and felt around for him. He's measuring big and is high and stuck on the right side. With the pelvic injury he's not going to be able to get down in there where he belongs. But he is bottom's up - which I sortof knew since he's been tap dancing on my lungs for the past couple of days. Then she did an internal exam and the bacteria check thing where they swab your inside with what is apparently the sharpest q-tips available. UGH I hate those. The pressing on my pubic bone hurt like the dickens as well. She said we can't do much about it at this point but after the baby comes I can go to a chiropractor. With the baby not able to come down or out she stated that she'd most likely be doing another c-section next Thursday unless I've gone into full on labor before then. I *really* wanted to avoid a c because they're impossible to get over :(
I left there with another appt for next Monday, barring anything happening, and went to Don's work where we left and went to lunch at Chili's. I drank about a ton of tea and we had nachos and mushroom/chicken fajitas. Divine food but even though we shared the entree and nachos we still had to carry out a large bag of food. I am always shocked at how much they give you! I drove Don back to work and by that time it was 2pm, so I went on to Ashby's school to pick him up since he was supposed to get out at 2:20.
After sitting there in the heat for forever (no a/c in the truck) the teacher announced that they school actually gets out at 2:40. oh oh - same time as Grayson's school! I'll be late to get him! But, knowing Grayson's school, the circle will take forever to get through. I was the 3rd car in line at Ashby's school and the first to depart promptly at 2:42. We made it to LES - then sat in line for a solid hour - I kid you NOT. In the heat, then rainstorm. I couldn't roll up the windows for the heat so got soaked by the time Grayson and Nicholas happily climbed in at 3:45 - begging to be bus riders tomorrow because of the ridiculous wait time. I happily said OK.
Nicholas was thrilled with his day and went on and on about everything that thrilled him - playing in the new sand, coloring, his lunch of chicken rings, mac n cheese, and chocolate milk. Grayson was heartbroken to find that 2 of the girls who tortured him last year were again in his class. I resolved to call the school as soon as possible and request that he be moved to another class. No way in heck do I want to deal with the daily tears again because of those viscious rotten little girls.
We went directly to my dad's house to drop off Ashby. The boys all ate some stew beef and rice and I got to potty and chat with dad about what's going on with Raiden. Grayson got his report card from last year - all a's except a b (would have been an a except for 1 point) in reading. Dad said Ashby got straight a's too, but that wasn't true and it hurt me that he'd lie to compete with Grayson. Ashby had all b's and one a. I don't begrudge him his good grades, but for Dad to lie to make Ashby look better and Grayson's accomplishment to be nothing special really hurt. I should be over all that, but whatever.
We left at 10 minutes till 5 in order to pick up Don from work then came on home. Grayson had a small brown bag that he was to gather 3 things that told about him (a legos star wars figure, a small paper light saber paper yoyo, and a sucker to show his love of legos, star wars, and candy). After doing that bit of homework the boys played a video game and I napped in the recliner until Don came home at 7pm. Believe it or not, I forgot Grayson's SEAGUL orientation. SEAGUL is his gifted and talented program here. I do, happily, get another chance tomorrow evening, but I was upset to have missed it tonight when it would be held here. Tomorrow I'll have to drive to Camden. *sigh*
After Don got home he cleaned the house and I helped him rinse dishes then gave Nicholas a bath (Grayson has to take one in the morning to wash the ointment from the skin thing in his scalp - which looks tons better already). They brushed their teeth - then announced they were HUNGRY. I made them turkey and cheese on toast and they ate that then got into bed. While I sat here on the computer to work then started this blog entry they went to bed - Grayson listening to Harry Potter's Half Blood Prince on audiocassette.
I'm exhausted, so now going to bed :)