Saturday, April 29, 2006

Things that make you say "Shut the F**** Up" (Or hmmmm, depending on your generosity)

Ok, I'll post the full post below about what I'm replying to here, but believe me, I posted it to this newsgroup as well. I was *HOT* and ticked. I'm so sick of hicks and their limited, judgemental, selfish views. People need to learn their own history and shut the fuck up.

Ok, here's my rebuttal, and below is the original post.


Yup, all those who came to this country illegally and didnt pay taxes should be shipped back home. And since their children shouldnt automatically be citizens, let's start way back. So, all of you who came over on some boat - be it the nina, the pinta, or the santa maria (one would think they could speak Spanish since Isabella and Ferdinand were their King and Queen, but hey, that's another bowl of fish) go your butts home. We don't want you here. You refused to pay taxes (tea floating in the bay ring a bell?) and no one invited you, and not a single one of us granted you citizenship papers. Maybe the Mexicans should simply take up arms and start blowing all of your families to kingdom come, then they could call this place home and put all of you on reservations. Yup, I'm for that.

Signed - A full blooded Cherokee. And no I'm not a freaking American Indian. There was no America when my ancestors were born and none of them were born in India. I'm Cherokee. Your illiteracy and lack of a sense of direction doesn't change my history. But hey, at least I learned English (mainly because my father was beaten if he spoke Cherokee as a child - yes, a child, the 1950's) so I could tell you. Will you learn Spanish so that you can tell them? Or maybe someone should beat you into it. Or rather, beat your children into it, after they take them away from their parents and ship them back East to learn to be "civilized" liars, cheaters, and murderers.

Want to get rid of all those non-invited, non citizenship-granted, tax avoiding mongrels? Those giving birth in a place not their home so that they can have an excuse to stay? Look in a mirror. Unless you're a full blood, which I know you're not, because then you wouldn't be spouting anything like what you are in defense of a country founded on murder and pillage that now gasps in dismay at the thought of allowing others to come (peacefully I might add) to improve their lives, often risking their own so that their children can learn to read. And hey, they do pay taxes. After all, without a social security number, they'll never be able to claim the social security money that they *are* paying into the system each and every paycheck by employers who have never verified their socials. The government receives several billion a year in taxes filed on employees using fake socials - so guess what? Free money for your government that *could* be used to pay for the expenses incurred by these people. Who *would* get citizenship if they could. Let's face facts, how many people on this board know (without having to go google it first, let's be honest) how to start applying for citizenship?? And you LIVE here. Imagine having to start that process on a dirt back road with no electricity, much less internet service. Yah, and they're supposed to do all that before they get here. And hey, at least the Aztec descendant Mexicans (most are more Aztec than Spaniards) are originally from this land. Before lines were drawn by outsiders.

So what if they earn money here then send it home? Guess what, most of what they earn, they spend here. And which one of you wants to go do the work their doing for the money they're making? Nada. That's why so many people hire them. Who wants to pay $20 an hour for a job that requires an 8th grade education?? Hello - this is what drives up inflation - overpaying for services. Which drives up the cost of those goods produced by those services. Which drives up the cost of services by those who need to purchase those goods. Etc.

And to actually complain 'Oh they need to learn to speak English' - let's go back to Ferdinand and Isabella for a moment, shall we? They 'discovered' the place for all of you other marauders to come to, and yet - they spoke Spanish. Royal Spanish at that. I don't hear a single one of you making an effort to learn to speak Cherokee. or Catawba. Or Blackfoot. Oh wait, you earned the right to have English by using superior arms against women and children and hunter/gatherers. Yup, what men. You should be so proud. That's sarcasm.

Oi. (That's Yiddish I believe). Re-read the statue of "Liberty" you're so flipping proud of. I don't believe the huddled masses were described as English speaking, college educated, official paper waving, gucci wearing masses.

Jose & Maria, meet Tsali and Mhawah. Shake hands with Joe and Martha. If the white skinned can't deal with the red skinned, go back to your white skinned lands. Where they speak English. Or at least actually read some factual numbers on taxes, money, and the economy.

Original posting that pissed me off:

I live 60 miles from the Mexican border in Tucson,AZ. Everytime I hear
"amnesty" in the papers, the Flood of Illegals goes crazy UP. As you
may have noted, the protesting groups want with No
retribution for having come into this country illegally. I know there
is no way to stem the tide(and believe me a WALL wont help) and no
way to round all the 12 mil illegals up but to gain citizenship here
they MUST learn English(spoken and written),They must pay any back
taxes (this includes property taxes as well).

Hello Gary and thank you for posting, I have not been online a lot
lately,(found out why one should not surf online in a severe
thunderstorm lol).
I know the numbers of illegals crossing the border goes up when
amnesty is mentioned. I do disagree that the flood cannot be stop, it
can be, and tha wall would help. American citizens must wake up and
force their officials to obey the law.

The law must be changed so that any illegal female crossing the
border and having a child, That child NOT be a US citizen
automatically (the law now states that That child is a US citizen and
that her mother or another will be allowed here to maintain the
childs upkeep).

WE must ACT now to defend the US from this swarm of uneducated
people. Yes they work harder(harder than most Americans) but it Has to be done
Legally. To give you an idea of the money exoding the USA, its estimated that
$14 BILLION dollar are earned HERE and sent Back to Mexico and Central
American EACH YEAR.

I think the figure is 16 billions and its Mexico's largest or second
largest business.

Dont let the arguement that they pay taxes sway your thoughts. Ive
worked and traveled in 14 countries and paid taxes There Too. Am I a citizen
of those countries yet? I think not. Also if we give amnesty to those 12
Mil, how many will be on Social Security in a few years? How will we pay
That(since they have NOT paid into the system)?

I live and work among the immigrats. I work In Nogales(right on the
border of Mexico) twice a week. They are fine, Family orientated people. But
Huge amounts of illegals come here and will need to be taken care of. Have
you looked at the County Hospitals in YOUR area? How many illegals are
being treated basically for free or giving birth for free (hospitals CANNOT
turn then away)?

Yes I have looked at the County Hospitals in this area as well as all
over the country. Let's take a close look at Dallas. The city of Dallas Texas is
located within Dallas County Texas, and Parkland Memorial Hospital is
the county's main hospital with many satelite clinics spread
throughout. Over fifty per cent of all babies born at Parkland are first
generation Americans whos mothers are illegals.

Its up to ALL of us to speak up NOW! Its estimated that if the influx
continues unchecked, Hispanics will be the Majority of the population
in the USA within 10-15 years. Is that the country you want YOUR kids living


I gree, and we'll be speaking Spanish by then


>We're going to sort of jump topic a little on this post because I
>think its important. As most of you know our congress is working on a new
>immigration bill/law. I think it's years over due,but many disagree
>because there is much dis information out there. This country(USA) has the right to enact laws to limit >immigration,both legal and illegal. Our southern borders account for over 94 per cent of all immigration..thats combining Europe,Asia, >Australia and Africa all combined. Over the last few weeks we have seen many demonstrations against our congress even attempting to resolve the issue. We have seen so many foregn flags fly in the USA that it sickens awakened Americans. One thing many of us did not see was the violence,and the American Flag being burned at these gatherings....the media did not show this. Do we as Americans have the right to protect our borders, get a true countng of allillegal aliens here and limit immigration?
>What do you think?

Stupid People - Unite!

Ok, is it just me, or has the entire world lost it's everlovin' mind? I know, it's probably just me, but as I read the articles in the news, I'm realizing - more and more - that people are just plain stupid.

This is an actual quote from an article I just read: "Nate Bouknight, a real estate developer from East Norriton, Pa., said it now costs him about $60 to fill his Ford Explorer SUV, up about $17 from last month. The vehicle gets about 12 miles to the gallon.

Bouknight said President Bush should do more to ease the high prices, adding he thought the call for an investigation into price gouging was just a sham."

Nate Bouknight is representative of what I'm talking about. Has he taken even ONE economics class? Hell - even elementary math?? If you're out driving a vehicle that gets 12 miles to the gallon, you need to be the first one to shut the hell up about the price of gas. It's a little law called supply and demand people. If you're going to demand a lot of it, Exxon is going to sell it to you, and they're going to demand a higher price. Because they know they'll get it. That's why it's called a capitalistic society that we live in. They are capitalizing on your stupidity.

Now, as Americans, we all love our freedom. Exxon knows you have the freedom to drive one of the most inefficient expensive fuel sucking vehicles out there, so they're going to oblige you. But when you start complaining about them making a profit off of you, and demanding that the government jump in to save you, you are flouting your stupidity. Next thing you'll wonder is why you're paying high taxes. Probably because you want the government to be your bitch and bully. And as well all know from life - bitches and bullies both want to be paid.

Spare us your whining while driving that piece of ego-mobile around and start turning the supply and demand curve around by trading it in for a vehicle that gets better gas mileage. Believe it or not, you don't need the government to solve this particular problem for you. Solve it yourself by acting like a responsible adult.

So for the rest of you - here's how supply and demand works. The higher the demand, the higher the cost to be supplied. Thats why better wines cost more. DUH. The lower the demand, the lower the cost to be supplied. When Tickle Me Elmo sold off of store shelves in 3 seconds flat, guess how much he was going for on Ebay? Right - high demand = high prices. Ticket scalping should have taught you this.

So, lower the demand, you'll lower prices. Because inventories will begin to increase and they'll want to unload the product so that they can store product they're producing every day. Until you reach that comfortable crosshair in the curve. Then, as demand continues to decrease, the cost of supply will begin to increase again - because it costs more to supply for fewer people. That's why one of a kind haute couture clothing pieces cost more. You can't mass produce it, so fewer people have to pay the hourly wages of the extremely skilled seamstresses that make a shirt.

As this increase in costs continues to drive demand (of fuel) down, Exxon will start losing some of those kajillion dollar profits they're currently lording over you, and, in the end, the customers win.

So, shut up bitching about prices and actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Customers drive the market, not sellers. Sellers wouldnt even exist without customers.

So - stupid people of the world unite - you can accomplish far more than government by simply taking smart steps and stop thinking as individuals with a hard on to show off your big honkin SUV.

Here, let me show you how -

1 - If you commute, find someone to ride with. There, demand automatically decreases - possibly enough to shift some prices!!

2 - If you drive a car that gets less than 19 mpg, trade the damn thing in for a more efficient vehicle. The money you save on gas could probably put you in a nice cushy hybrid. Believe it or not, they have those now. And you'd get a tax break. Tadahhh - demand goes down some more. Exxon starts to sweat.

3 - If you live close enough to a mass transit system, use the damn thing. Taxis are not considered mass transit. It reduces traffic (and environmental torture) and reduces demand some more. Exxon now has a "WTF???" exxpression.

4 - Going grocery shopping? Ask a neighbor if she'd like to ride. Got kids in college? Ask them to check the ride boards to find a ride buddy (stay safe though). Kids in school? Get some moms to form a carpool. Jeez people, this is not fricken rocket science. It all adds up to less spewing from the pumps, more money back in your pockets, less demand, supplies that begin to build up or back up, and prices beginning to decrease. Cause hey, Exxon can't gripe about having to raise production.

5 - Think up another way on your own. Ride a bike to the store for little things. Take your kids on bike rides for fun to get into shape for longer trips. If you live close enough, bike to work. Get a moped for short hopper trips. But come up with something. And, in the meantime, tell a stupid neighbor and


Thursday, April 27, 2006

Updates from SC

Raiden is now 8 months old - yeah! He's healthy and happy, he laughs all the time and/or coos, jabbers, makes cute noises. He's getting more personality every day and I eat it up. Previously I reported that he had started crawling backwards - he's found forward! But he's not actually crawling. He lies on his belly and 'swims' across the floor - quickly!! I need to rename him Shark because he can FLY across a few rooms at a time doing this. It's hilarious.

He still tries to chomp whatever food I'm putting into my mouth and he's lost all interest in the bottle (though he's still a ravenous nurser) and is starting to enjoy a sippy cup. He's also started enjoying cheerios. He pinches them in his chunky little fingers and pops them into his mouth and gums quite happily. He has 2 upper teeth and 2 lower, so maybe he's using those too.

We've also just transitioned him into a walker - which scared him to death the first time, he couldn't figure out why he was moving. Apparently it didn't dawn on him that his little feet could propel him. Also, today we bought a bath seat to sit him in rather than the small tub we were using in the sink. He's pulling himself into a sitting position from lying down and the small blue tub simply won't hold him any more. He's outgrown so many clothes that this morning we gave away about 10 kitchen trash bags full.

Grayson and Nicholas have begun their baseball games. Grayson lost his first game against another team - and wow were those boys (other team) focused! I was amazed at how serious they were about it. Cracking balls all the way to the fence and catching pop flies like little pros. Our team was more typical in the 9 year old behavior - bad news bears typical. It was fun to watch :) Grayson got a hit on his very first pitch, but the other team caught it near 2nd base and pitched it to first and tagged him out. I was still so proud that he HIT the thing that I was hollering like a lunatic. Nicholas' first game was rained out, so this Saturday we'll finally get to see how HE does. I can't wait!

I have been invited to interview for a position in Pennsylvania. I am from South Carolina, so I'm a little afraid of the weather difference. But the salary is double what I'm making now, so I'm more than happy to at least go for the interview.

I have also opened an account at - I'm researching a book that I'm writing. If you'd like, please feel free to add me as a friend. I think I'm going to tie all of my little update accounts together somehow, but I'm not sure how yet. I've considered buying my name as a URL and linking them that way.

Have fun all :)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

This is a picture of me. I apparently need to upload it for it to show on my profile. Hi y'all :)

I am bipolar, I have ADD, tough

Today I went to see Dr. Igama, who works with the person I've been seeing for therapy, and she prescribed 30mg of Adderall XR and 100 mg of Lamictal. I took both on my way to work and I'm already feeling the affects of the Adderall. The Lamictal is for my bipolar issues, so until I drive home today, I won't really know if I feel it yet or not. I have a tendancy to cry most of the way home.

If you think you may have ADD or ADHD, see a doctor, and see if meds (or Omega 3 fatty acids, I've started taking those too) can help. I have to say, just being on the Adderall one day, the affect is amazing.

I had a meeting to discuss new software being put to use here and my ability to follow the conversations, to pay attention, to participate, to think creatively and point out flaws and actions required just blew me away. I know that I'm intelligent, but this is the first time I've been able to actually exhibit it. I normally can only organize my thoughts that well when writing. Which explains why I hate to talk on the phone or in person.

I don't know how things will end, and this dose is probably a tad too high, but wow - if I can perform that way, every day, in my job, I can see myself actually achieving some positive measure of success that's consistent with the 'potential' everyone always says they see in me.
