Friday, May 26, 2006

Hello Skags

Yup, that's meant for you dahlinks. You know who you are :) That's Don's new fave word to fling about a couple of nuts. I hear it a lot in the past couple of days. I've heard every rotten teeth, pockmarked face, can't even afford a damn bath story I can stomach for now thanks much. I honestly can't remember ever stepping foot in a house without running water, so WOW, what a backwoods creepy existance THAT must be. I wonder if there are dirt floors too? Anyone else hear the strains from "Deliverance"??

The man is on a rant and rave. Which is funny to watch since normally he's so darned calm. Even funnier is when he and his mom get together to rant and rave. My normally fairly timid mother in law has also been ranting about 'damned skag' and 'stupid bitch' - you have to see this to believe it.

In the 15 years I've been a part of this family, I think I've seen her react this way to someone maybe...MAYBE... three times. Especially when my hubby mentioned to her that said skag was telling people they were all friends. That's when I got the story about the whole family - including Days of Our Lives extramarital affair storylines and parking lot showdowns. *shudders* What kind of person lives their life that way?? It's *sad* really. Pitiful.

It truly makes me grateful for my upbringing, my education, my ability to hold down a job that pays well enough that my husband can raise our three lovely children, my ability to communicate with others in a manner that can't be used against me in a sheriffs office along with a ritualistic warrant signing...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My response to another stupid email

My response to the 'George Carlin' thing:

I am not a bad American. I'm a good American. Want to know why?

1 - I'm in touch with my feelings. Ask Dad next time I'm yelling at him or my kids next time I'm hugging them or my mom next time I'm calling her to cry about whatever is bugging the crap out of me that day. I'm not sure what this has to do with my American-ness, but what the hell.

2 - He's right - being a minority doesn't make you a minority of victemized. But if someone starts talking crap about you because of your color, sex, or size (and not because of the way you're acting at the moment) tell them to shut the hell up. Freedom of speech is still a freedom here. When they start laughing like the redneck hillbilly frat boys they probably are, walk away, knowing you're still smarter than they are and retarded people can't be reasoned with.

3 - If you are selling George a Big Mac, you have bigger problems than the language barrier. Big Mac can't be translated, so how hard can this be? Its the same in Spanish or English. And if the redneck in your line is laughing at your accent, tell them to shut the hell up. In the three other languages you know. Freedom of speech doesn't require you to speak in English. If you have the time, remind the redneck that Columbus sailed the ocean blue and discovered this damned land with boats funded by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella - of fricken Spain. They spoke SPANISH. When they arrived they met other brown skinned people. WHO DIDNT SPEAK ENGLISH. Deal with it.

4 - I agree - pray to your God or whoever whenever you want to. And shut the hell up when I want to pray to mine.

5 - My heroes are my mom, my grandmother, and the other long line of women who eventually caused and lived through birth so that I could get here. They worked three times as hard as any man in their life and got 1/3 of the credit and still managed to find the time to teach the most abstract concept of all - love. John Wayne was a fricken actor. He got paid to swagger. That does not make him a hero.

6 - I don't hate the rich, I want to be one. I do pity the poor. Their children especially. Because *my* God told me to. If you don't, then stop claiming to believe in Jesus. This is a stupid line in that email.

7 & 8 - Yes, wrestling is fake and slavery was a long time ago. I didn't come up with or support either concept. I'd be all too happy to afford to pay other people to cook and clean for me, why would I try to get it for free??

9 - I believe if you don't like things the way they are, bitch about it. DUH. That's why we have the bill of rights. Telling people to go back to where they came from is pretty much the same as saying 'accept your government at face value, accept crime and poverty, and be called an idiot if you don't agree with it' - that's so stupid it doesn't even need me to tell you all that, but just in case you missed my point - the world was never improved by people sitting and doing nothing in the face of injustice. One person can change the world - by affecting those around them - and no one should ever settle for or accept injustice, pain, hunger, hatred, grief, sorrow, insanity, or any other bad thing. You have an obligation as a human to leave the world a better place than the way you found it and if you don't believe this to be true then you're pretty much the waste of a good soul.

10 - Jesse Jackson is a political figure, the cops can be corrupt and people recognize that fact (and if you don't, you're blind), and how are you again proud of the word God if you don't pity the poor or think you're supposed to improve the world? Hello? Can we say 'hypocrit'??

11 - A lot of old veterens will be quite happy to shoot your ass for calling them stupid for marking a confusing ballot wrong. I'm happy to send them your way. And what does your picture on your drivers license have to do with anything? People were pissed about those pictures and their personal information being sold - not being on the license.

12 - It takes two parents to raise a child, but their grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, older siblings, and old women on the street who need grandchildren should all be respected for their input and time. Besides, who the hell else is going to step in and babysit when mom is about to pull dad's hair out? Who will teach the parents what to do AND step in to save the brat when the child has just painted the living room with peanut butter? Who will kiss boo-boos and help pass down family traditions and teach kids moral values? Who will take care of the child if the worst should happen to the parents? "it doesn't take a village" - yes, it does, and we parents are damned grateful for their input. Especially when a 18 month old wanders down a busy street because his mom had to take her eyes off of him for 3 minutes to hang up laundry on the line and part of that village comes carrying his skinny naked butt back to the very frantic new mommy.

13 - Illegal means Jose and Maria couldnt access the internet in their hut on a dirt road - can YOU tell me how to get US citizenship without having to google it first? If not, shut up and have some compassion for starving people wanting only to come here and work their butts off for less than minimum wage. They're not carrying bombs people. They'd get citizenship if they knew how. If you don't agree, go your asses back to England. The Cherokee and Aztec and Blackfoot, and Catawba, and etc never invited you and never once issued you citizenship papers. And change your 'statue of liberty' to read 'your huddled citizenship paper waving, english as a first language speaking, college educated, already got a job, masses' and THEN stop griping about Medicare and get all of the actual American citizens off of it who are having nine or ten kids, doing and selling drugs, and gathering afdc checks. Listen people, you got bigger damn problems than Jose and Maria. And hey, if you ask nicely, they might actually join the military and help you fight your other imaginary enemies.

14 - Price of gas? Supply and demand. Stop driving 12 mpg SUVs and bitching about the price of gas. If you want to suck gas up like tickle me elmos at Christmas, yes, the price will go up. Duh. It's called a capitalistic society for a reason - Exxon is capitalizing on your stupidity. Ticket scalping at the last KISS concert should have taught you this. Higher demand + limited resources = higher prices.

15 - Then take down the rebel flag at the state house. Take down the state flags for that matter. Take down the corporate flags, the McDonald's flags, the Clemson flags, the 'dont tread on me' flags. If you're going to issue stupid proclamations, at least be brave enough to live by them.

I double dare you to pass THIS ONE on.

Ya Gotta Love George



by: George Carlin

I Am Your Worst Nightmare. I am a BAD American. I am George Carlin.

I'm in touch with my feelings and I like it that way!

I think owning a gun doesn't make you a killer, it makes you a smart

I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does
not entitle you to anything.

I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, try to do it in English.

I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where
they want to.

My heroes are John Wayne, Babe Ruth, Roy Rogers, and whoever canceled
Jerry Springer.

I don't hate the rich. I don't pity the poor.

I know wrestling is fake and I don't waste my time watching or arguing
about it.

I've never owned a slave, or was a slave, I didn't wander forty years in
the desert after getting chased out of Egypt. I haven't burned any
witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you! So, shut
up already.

I believe if you don't like the way things are here, go back to where
you came from and change your own country! This is AMERICA.

I want to know which church is it exactly where the Reverend Jesse
Jackson practices, where he gets his money, and why he is always part of
the problem and not the solution. Can I get an AMEN on that one?

I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry rear if you're
running from them..

I also think they have the right to pull you over if you're breaking the
law, regardless of what color you are.

And, no, I don't mind having my face shown on my drivers license. I
think it's good..... and I'm proud that "God" is written on my money. I
think if you are too stupid to know how a ballot works, I don't want you
deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for
the next four years.

I dislike those people standing in the intersections trying to sell me
stuff or trying to guilt me into making "donations" to their cause.
These people should be targets.

I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes two

And what is going on with gas prices... again?

I believe "illegal" is illegal no matter what the politicians think.

I believe the American flag should be the only one allowed in AMERICA!

If this makes me a BAD American, then yes, I'm a BAD American.

If you are a BAD American too, please forward this to everyone you know.

We need our country back!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

You ever realize...

I was looking back over my blog and showing posts to a friend and she asked me about some of the gaps of time in there and I was trying to remember some things and some parts I couldnt remember. She asked me why it took me a month after Raiden was born to post anything about it and I had to explain that I was in a coma, which was just weird. To explain I mean. How do you explain something like that. Not for a whole month, but a few weeks. So, that was fun. Its the first time I've had to go back and piece all of that together, because to be honest, most of the time people are having to tell ME what was going on then. Heck if I remember. I was in and out of the hospital a Lot with Raiden. I was on bed rest most of the time. I had blood pressure issues, bleeding, alignment problems with my pelvis, that heart thing. Looking back, nothing ever seems as bad as it probably did while it was going on, but who the hell can write about those things during the time? So, then, you realize you have whole gaps in your life like that. Times you know were hard at the time, but that you were so wrapped up in that later you dont have a clear idea of what happened. And maybe that's for the best.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Updates on Life

I am calmer today. Probably the mix of meds I'm on now beginning to kick in. It's rather nice not to be irritable all the time. I can be really on edge sometimes, and while I'm almost positive there is no such thing as a 'happy pill' (though the gas at the dentist works rather nicely) it's just nice to be RELAXED rather than constantly on edge.

I finished a major project today - some census forms that were actually due Monday, but the people I work with didnt get me the data until Friday morning, then didnt show me HOW they wanted the forms completed until Monday mid-day after I'd spent all weekend working to complete them - incorrectly. I could have had a nervous breakdown and lost my cool when he started blithely erasing pages and pages of figures I'd painstakingly looked up on various accounting spreadsheets, but instead I just starting sortof laughing and gasping at the same time. Surprised but ok with it shock. Is that a term? So, I finished them today. Then I spent 20 minutes cleaning my desk. Is that OCD?? I must clean my desk after finishing a project? I'm happier with the dust bunnies gone, thats for sure. This company is big on something it calls '5s' and they actually give us containers of Lysol wipes to keep our desk area dust bunny and stain free, so it wasn't something they'd consider time wasting. I'm using part of my lunch to relax my brain by writing this blog, so I'm good there too.

I called looking for Don earlier. He wasn't home. So I tried his moms. No answer. Finally I called again (at his mom's - thats where he usually is) and his mom answered. She couldnt answer the phone earlier she explained because she was on the phone with her brother who was told this morning that only 15% of his heart was working and he didnt have very long left. She's upset, of course, more so by the fact that her other brother will have surgery soon to have his entire colon removed due to cancer. She's gone through so much in her life, and now she's going through more, and I was calling to ask where the heck her son was. I need psychic powers to know when to leave people the hell alone. She and I talked for a few minutes though - mostly about Raiden, the baby, and she laughed about his little temper tantrum meltdown he had yesterday. So maybe my calling helped.

Speaking of temper tantrums - I have NEVER (except maybe with Ashby) seen a temper tantrum like the one my 8 month old child threw yesterday after Grayson's baseball game (more on that in a minute). He was sleepy - he'd JUST fallen asleep in the stroller when I had to take him out and put him in his car seat. He woke up during that process of course. Then he started screaming. And arching his back, and throwing his little fists and dirty little feet everywhere. He ended up - a mile or so later - turned SIDEWAYS in his 5 point restraint system car seat. I'm not kidding. Head over one side, dirty feet slamming up and down in my direction over the other. Mouth twisted and wide open in cries and screams you would think you'd only hear in a horror movie. The good part. He was P I S S E D. Grayson told me that the other day. Describing Raiden I mean. He spelled it out. "Mom, Raiden was P I S S E D!!" and I laughed about the way he said that and tears came out of my eyes. But I was NOT laughing witnessing this little terror tantrum. With the belt across his neck (sideways, remember?) he didnt look as though he could breathe well, so I pulled over and took him out of his seat, then tried to gently get him back in there the way he was supposed to be.

Nothing doing. This kid was determined to throw the hissy fit of the century. So, I buckled him in and continued on home, trying to get there before my nerves wore completely out. The boys in the back were talking to me, but I'm not quite sure what they were saying, other than commenting happily about what a mean little brat their baby brother was being and asking why I didnt threaten to beat HIM to death the way I did them when they were bad. I tried to be nice. I sang songs. I pulled out my scrunchy and gave it to him. The scrunchy was flung out the DRIVERS side window. Bye bye scrunchy. How does an 8 month old baby have the aim and power to do that?? He's the one that needs to be on a baseball team.

Finally I pulled into our subdivision and pulled off the side of the road again. I pulled his little purple sweaty screaming fist clinching chunky butt out of the car seat and tossed him over my left shoulder to look out the window for a minute.

Utter and complete silence. The child had finally shut up. So, yes, bad mother that I am, I drove the rest of the way home with him over my shoulder. It was back streets dammit. I know it was unsafe, but it was quiet, and he was happy. As soon as we got home I took him to my bed, laid down, and popped the boob in his mouth. Four and a half milliseconds later, his little eyes drifted closed with his hands stroking the magic freckle juice machine. This stuff is apparently far better than cappucino for inducing euphoria. He slept for a solid hour. During this time I watered my garden (quality time with Nicholas running through the sprinkler), fussed with Grayson about a toy I ordered for him that he suddenly decided was the right brand but wrong figure (Xevoz???? "Ugh, did it *have* to be the shaman mom??" Uh, kid, I ordered the ONLY two flippen figures OFFERED on the site!! Shut up and be grateful for once brat.) and found the chance to sneak some potty time. Yes Lord, Amen!

Ok, back to the baseball game. My baby went up to bat two times, and both times scored a hit. He made it to second base on the first one, then the next batter brought him home. On the second hit he made it to first base, then to second base on the next hit, then the next batter brought him home again. That beautiful little freckled face looked totally proud and triumphant (Grayson does NOT smile when he's proud, he looks like a little lion, chin up, presidential I conquered your asses proud). As he ran over home plate he jerked his head back to tip the helmet off, scooped it off with his hand and ran all the way back to the dugout with that smug little look. I was, of course, screaming my fool head off. RUN GRAYSON RUN!!! The other parents have learned his name too and scream with me. YAY BABY!! GOOD JOB!!! GO BABY GO!!! He didnt like baseball at first, but as he gets better and better, he's loving it more and more. He's looking forward to games.

Nicholas, poor left handed baby that he is, can't hit to save his life. For some reason, when the ball comes towards him, he takes a BIG step backwards and chops wood (bat swings towards the ground) in almost slow motion. I need to work with him. But I'm never home. So, he loved baseball to start with, and now his little heart is just saddened and upset. He just says "I never hit a home run" and I want to crumble then and there. I bought a $40 bat for that child, it was too big, so his coach wouldnt let him use it. Grayson used it to get his two runs though. I need to go back and get the smaller one. Another $25, but if it helps, hey, I'm willing to pay 10x that much. I just need to get him actually hitting the ball so that he can get his joy back about baseball.

I also bought the family swim pass for the county pool - again this year. Last year I was heavy and pregnant and not working outside the home, so we spent lots of time there. This year Don is home and promises to take them. I want to spend weekends there :) I also rented the whole pool for 2 hours on July 29 for Grayson's 10th birthday. It's a big milestone and I want it to be special. I cant wait :)